Why Sojourn Road

Reasons for Choosing to Enroll with Sojourn Road  

Sojourn Road offers many benefits and personal touches, which create a positive community of learning.  These benefits include:

        • Small Class Sizes – Sojourn Road’s online courses are each limited to 10 students per class in order to ensure that each student is noticed and receives attention and encouragement.  Small class sizes enhance learning, provide students more opportunities to participate, and foster a close community with classmates.  Also, small class sizes create opportunities for more individualized feedback, while also allowing the students to work one-on-one with the teacher and in small groups.
        • Top of the Line Learning Management System – Sojourn Road uses a top of the line learning management system that creates a safe, closed universe for students.  Assignments, grades, comments, resources, videos and live video conferencing are all provided within this system so that students do not need to run multiple websites at once in order to participate in class.  Further, parents do not need to worry about the types of security breaches that have occurred with free and less secure applications, such as Zoom.
        • Lesson Plans – Sojourn Road’s courses are not only designed for the days that class is conducted online, but also provides assignments and lesson plans for the remainder of the week in order to keep students progressing with their learning of the materials.  As such, the courses do not require parents to try to create “filler” lesson plans for the days we do not meet live online.
        • Live Classes – Sojourn Road’s courses are live twice a week, which means that Ms. Jessie is teaching your child in real-time and is available to give students her undivided attention.  Live classes foster organic learning and provide students the ability to have their questions answered immediately as they arise.  Indeed, live classes allow for clarification and modifications to examples modeled to teach new concepts.  Live classes also allow Ms. Jessie to conduct informal assessments to ensure students are understanding the concepts being taught.
        • Grading & Portfolio – Sojourn Road’s courses include graded assignments in order to adequately measure students’ learning progress.  At the end of each course, parents will receive their child’s grading breakdown, along with the full portfolio of their child’s work throughout the course.  This assists parents with any record keeping or portfolio requirements that their state may require under applicable homeschooling laws.
        • Office Hours – Ms. Jessie conducts office hours each week in order to keep communication flowing between herself and the parents.  If parents have a question about materials or their student’s progress, Ms. Jessie will designate times each week to answer any questions.
        • Thoughtful Encouragement – Sojourn Road endeavors to encourage students with special recognition by sending students inspirational cards, recognizing birthdays, and even scheduling e-parties to celebrate holidays.
        • Community Group – Sojourn Road seeks to create a supportive homeschooling community.  To this end, once your child is registered, you may submit a request to join the private Sojourn Road Academy Group.  In this group, you can ask fellow parents questions, offer up prayer requests, encourage one another, and share resources.