Sojourn Road started out as my own little pipe dream years ago.  I left my job as an attorney to be at home full-time with my children and later began a homeschooling journey with them.  However, I knew that I would have to return to work eventually.  My gut would churn every time I thought about returning to the corporate legal world, where I largely felt unfulfilled.  Rather, what I truly longed for was a job where I could make a difference in the lives of others in a way that truly mattered – their spiritual walk with God.

I am so thankful that God knew me better than I did.  As time passed and I talked to God about my desire for a job that satisfied the vague yearning in my heart to encourage others in their faith, God was revealing something even larger than I imagined.  God used that time to fully develop that calling I felt deep within my soul to teach and exhort others in a manner that would strengthen their faith.   Indeed, this calling led me to create Sojourn Road.

Throughout the Bible, God is consistent in reminding His people to embrace their identity in Him.  We are called sojourners on this earth – foreign travelers with a mission to share the gospel and love of Jesus Christ with others.  We do not belong here, but rather we are passing through, since our true citizenship is in heaven with Jesus.

To this end, Sojourn Road offers apologetics (exploring the reasonableness of our faith) courses and academic courses based in a Christian worldview.  We also offer an online store featuring Christian themed apparel and accessories, which serve as great conversation starters with friends and strangers alike. We also offer free Bible studies periodically, as well as a blog and vlog for encouragement and free homeschooling resources.


The mission of Sojourn Road is to live out the purpose of God’s Kingdom on earth by encouraging the faith of students and their parents, and sharing the loving gospel of Jesus Christ with the world.