Sometimes, we struggle with life’s circumstances, negative thoughts, and habitual sin.  Sometimes, we struggle with forces that we cannot see.  But with this study, we will learn to be free from the cages that hold our minds as we learn to understand our identity in Christ and how God has set us free through Jesus!

This study will challenge you to see the swath of destruction caused by sin and its continual impact on the world and our relationships with God.  But through candid introspection, diligent study, and a safe place to talk about your struggles in this class, you can freely walk in the path that God has designed for you since before the very foundation of the earth.

We will be using Neil T. Anderson’s The Bondage Breaker and his accompanying book, The Bondage Breaker Interactive Workbook, both of which are linked below for purchase.  Since I offer this course without charge, kindly considering purchasing by clicking on the book images below so that I can receive a small kickback through my Amazon Affiliate account to help defray costs, which will help me to offer more Bible studies in the future.

The Bondage Breaker®

The Bondage Breaker® Interactive Workbook

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