Evidence for God in the Cosmos


Duration: August 24, 2020 – October 14, 2020

Course B 
Live Online Classes: Mondays and Wednesdays @ 3:30pm – 4:30pm EST

SKU: N/A Category: Product ID: 2287


Stephen Hawking once admitted during an interview with ABC that, “[o]ne can’t prove that God doesn’t exist.”  However, he then made the shockingly glib claim that “science makes God unnecessary.”   [1] This falsehood has been propagated throughout society and the scientific community, contrary to the voluminous scientific evidence that actually corroborates the existence of God, the Creator of the universe.

Our children will one day be productive citizens of this very society, who will have to traverse the many circles of people who embrace secular ideologies.  These secular ideologies will confront our children’s faith.  Personally, I was once one of those freshly minted adults who emerged into an academic collegiate world rife with unsubstantiated assumptions used to scoff at those who believed in God and the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Sadly, I was also once a very vulnerable young Christian who lacked education regarding science, philosophy, the conditions of the human heart, and God’s many attributes that create a solid and reasonable foundation to support faith in Jesus Christ.  As such, not only was I an ineffective witness to others, I was also “tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine,” causing me to be vulnerable to “human cunning, [to] craftiness in deceitful schemes.”  See Eph. 4:14 (ESV).

God used my experience to stoke a desire to learn about apologetics (the reasonableness of faith in Jesus Christ), which served to exhort me in my walk with the Lord and further snuff out any doubts that lingered from my walk of spiritual infancy.

We are charged by God to always be ready “to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you…” 1 Peter 3:15 (ESV).  Our children cannot be ready if no one teaches them.  As such, God has laid upon my heart the desire to develop courses designed to encourage and bolster the faith of young believers.

This first course of Apologetics: Evidence for God in the Cosmos surveys aspects of astronomy, physics, and the Bible’s explanation of the scientific functions of the universe that have since been confirmed even as late as the 19th century, all of which support the existence of God.  This course is designed to study these areas in an understandable way for young students and encourage their faith in the Lord.  Also, this course will demonstrate how science and God are not mutually exclusive, but rather that science confirms God’s expression of orderliness.

Survey the Bible’s Claims About the Universe |
Students will survey Scripture regarding the universe, including the earth, the vacuum of space, the expansion of the universe, and universal decay.

Planetary Formation |
Students will study observable scientific evidence, which points to the existence of a Creator and contravenes secular theories of planetary formation.

Fine-Tuning of the Universe |
Students will delve into various intricacies of the universe, solar system, and specific planets, which reveal the amazing precision required for life on earth to exist.

[1] Stephen Hawking, ABC News. September 6, 2010.

Additional information


Mondays & Wednesdays


2:20 pm – 3:20 pm (EST), 3:30 pm – 4:30 pm (EST)


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